Still Small Voice

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Still Small Voice: What is God Saying to You?

What is God saying to you? How does God speak to believers today? Take a look at a refreshingly biblical approach to this popular topic.

Keep scrolling to read the first chapter of this book.

A Quick Hello

I’d like to offer a quick introduction of myself before you start reading this book. I’m married to a pastor, I have a degree in Bible with a concentration in Missions, and I’ve been a member of the same church for over twenty-five years.

I believe I’m in a unique position to write a book of this nature because I’ve held to both of the belief models described in this book at different points in my life. I’ve studied this subject in-depth for about five years so far, but I have a feeling I will continue to study it for the rest of my life because it fascinates me (and I’m a bit of a nerd).

I also want you to know that I’m the type of person who wants to believe the truth more than anything, and I don’t really care what that truth is or how it makes me feel. I’d rather believe a truth that makes me feel awful than feel better by believing a lie or a half-truth. This characteristic of mine made it simpler for me to swap my beliefs on this subject when I was confronted with the evidence.

Truth-seeking is what got me started on the journey of studying this topic. When my research and education on this subject first began, I never imagined turning it into a book, but the more I studied and researched, the more I learned, and the less I felt able to keep the information to myself. So I’m sharing what I’ve learned with you.

When I study a doctrine like this, I like to imagine that I know nothing about the Bible, God, past traditions, Christianity, or what my favorite speaker, preacher, or author has already said on the topic. I like to start with a blank slate in my mind, imagining that someone simply handed me a Bible and asked me to build the doctrine from only what was written inside its pages, nothing else. So, that’s what I attempted to recreate for you in this book. Starting from the ground up, what does the Bible say about God’s still small voice? I hope you find my research in answer to that question to be thorough, interesting, and compelling.

A word of warning: I’ve discovered along my personal journey that this subject can be extremely controversial and divisive. Many people disagree sharply about the two models we will discuss in the next chapters, and they aren’t very nice about it. Please understand that although we may not all agree on this issue, we can have an open and honest dialogue about this topic while still loving each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.

My goal is to be as biblical and logical as possible, breaking down this subject into pieces and seeing if a biblical case can be made for Christians to listen to the Holy Spirit speak to them on a daily—or at least regular—basis.

My goal is not to be dismissive of personal experiences anyone may have had, but rather to encourage us to view any experiences through the lens of Scripture to gain a better perspective.

My only request is that you strive with me to be fellow “blank-slate-truth-seekers” and agree to search out the truth for yourself no matter what emotions might be stretched to uncomfortable levels along the way.

And if we come to opposite conclusions at the end of this book after looking at the evidence set before us, that’s okay! As long as we are both sincerely seeking to study, know, believe, and live the truth of God’s Word in our daily lives, what more could we ask of each other?

If you’re ready to dig deep into the truths of God’s Word and think through this topic along with me, let’s dive in!